3rd largest Recruiting Network Growing
Released on = May 17, 2007, 2:58 am
Press Release Author = Sydney Jones
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, May 18, 2007 - RecruiterGroups.com (http://www.RecruiterGroups.com) a Dakotta Ventures (http://www.dakotta.com) resource site has drawing more attention recently . averaging 25,000 hits more a month!
Press Release Body = For immediate release Friday, May 18, 2007 Press Release: Dakotta Ventures | RecruiterGroups.com RecruiterGroups.com, what is now known as the 3rd Largest Recruiting Network - Globally which was grown with a grass root effort is spreading with phenomenal growth. With the average subscription rate of 25 members a day, 700 a month, it is making its rank to one of the most talked about networks in the recruiting community. With over 50 national groups and growing number of international groups, recruiters from all industries are invited to join this simple collaboration of YahooGroups and ask HR or recruiting questions, Post Jobs, discuss policies, or share best practices. The membership of the group is completely free since it is hosted on YahooGroups and members are encouraged to participate when they feel comfortable.
About Dakotta Ventures: Dakotta Ventures was formally Dak-Tek and was founded in 1997 as a one man operation doing recruiting projects. In the course of 10 years, the organization has fluxed to various sizes determined by the projects it handled. Many of the projects the consultants have worked on have included web development, graphic design, branding, recruitment strategies and organizational development. It is most recently that Dakotta Ventures has changed its focus to product development and organizational development. More information regarding Ventures can be found here (http://www.dakotta.com/ventures.htm) CONTACT: Dakotta Ventures Sydney Jones, PA New York PHONE. 646.808.3019 EMAIL: Sydney.Jones@dakotta.com WEB: http://www.dakotta.com
Web Site = http://www.RecruiterGroups.com
Contact Details = Dakotta Ventures Sydney Jones, PA New York PHONE. 646.808.3019 EMAIL: Sydney.Jones@dakotta.com WEB: http://www.dakotta.com
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